Determined Day #76

My smoothie concoction today was my best tasting one yet!  Make it soon.  It's so delicious!!  Tonight's dinner from Cooking Light magazine was a hit with the family.  For a low calorie chicken and dumpling recipe, I was surprised that it was full of flavor.  My only regret is that I didn't double the recipe so we could have leftovers for lunch tomorrow!

Breakfast: 7 pts

1 egg = 2 pts
1/8 cup egg whites = 0 pts 
1 cup asparagus, cauliflower and onions = 0 pts
1 teaspoon coconut oil = 1 pt 
1/2 link Aidells Chicken and Apple sausage = 2 pts
1 ounce shredded mozzarella = 2 pts 

Snack: 4 pts 

1 banana = 0 pts 
5 Ritz crackers = 2 pts 
2 teaspoons Adams Crunchy Peanut Butter = 2 pts 

Lunch: 6 pts

1 Flat-out Italian Herb wrap = 2 pts 
2 ounce sliced turkey = 1 pt 
1 cup lettuce = 0 pts
1 cup Kirkland Chicken Tortilla soup = 3 pts 
1 orange = 0 pts

Snack: 4 pts 

1 Determined Pretty Momma smoothie = 4 pts

Dinner: 11 pts 

1/2 serving Easy Chicken Dumplings = 5 pts 
2 cups power greens = 0 pts 
1/2 avocado = 4 pts 
2 tablespoons Ken's Lite Apple Cider Vinaigrette = 2 pts
1 cup green beans = 0 pts 

Dessert: 3 pts 

1 Nutrigrain bar = 3 pts

Today's Total Points: 35

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